Body Contouring
Body Contouring
The Rose Room at Atinama offers beauty treatments designed for those who wish to avoid expensive cosmetic surgeries and see changes in their body with zero down time. Combined with a healthy life-style, we will help you get the curves, skin, and shape you desire.
Choose any one of our 90 minute combination treatments (Mama Makeover, Booty Lift, 360-Snatch the Waist, or Bikini Bod) or schedule an initial consultation to discuss your goals (includes your first treatment) and we will cater a plan just for you!
Combination Treatments
The Mama Makeover
The Mama Makeover focuses on tucking the tummy and tightening the chin. This treatment directly works on the tummy, love handles and double chin.
360 Snatch the Waist
Our 360 Snatch the Waist treatment aims to give you that perfect hourglass figure. This service focuses on belly, love handles and lower back.
The Bikini Bod
The Bikini Bod treatment targets the tummy, inner and outer thighs to get you long and lean for your next beach vacation!
The Booty Lift
The Booty Lift treatment targets the booty, love handles and backs of thighs to lift and tighten your behind.
What to Know
Before you Start
Treatments are recommended for those who:
Are within 25-30 pounds of their ideal body weight
Are in good health
Are more concerned with problem areas than total body weight loss
If you have or are experiencing any of the below, body contouring treatments should not be undertaken.
Metal implants or pacemakers
Epilepsy or Multiple Sclerosis
Active or contagious skin conditions
Breast-feeding or during pregnancy
Open wounds or recent surgeries
Acute or contagious diseases
HIV positive
History of cancer, kidney failure, liver failure, or fatty liver
Any abdominal treatment is contraindicated during the first 48 hours of menstruation
Body Contouring Modalities
Below are some of the modalities our Body Contour Technicians use to get the best results:
Laser Lipo
Laser Liposuction targets fat cells using innovative laser technology. The LED light activates a bio- chemical reaction, causing the fat cells to break down.
The added benefit is that this treatment increases the production of collagen, making the skin more taut following your session.
Columbian Wood Therapy
(Body Sculpting)
Wood therapy; a sculpting technique that employs wooden implements to improve the body’s size and proportions. The tools are made specifically to manipulate and restructure fatty tissue, loosen tight and tired muscles, and smooth-out cellulite.
This massage technique is especially effective for localized pockets of stubborn fat and cellulite. It activates circulation, combats cellulite, eliminate toxins, and break down adipose tissue.
Results are highly visible after the very first session.
Vacuum Butt Lift & Vacuum Hip Dips
Vacuum Therapy is a technique that is used to enhance the shape and tone of the buttocks by breaking down cellulite and fatty deposits, stimulating muscles, and increasing lymphatic flow.
We use specialized suction wands and cups to move fat from other areas into the buttocks or hips. One session is the equivalent to 1300 squats, depending on the intensity of treatment.
Radio Frequency
(Skin Tightening)
Radio Frequency is designed to treat the most common skin aging problems: wrinkles, excess fatty tissues, or cellulite. It is one of the most utilized devices for tightening the skin and promoting new collagen and elastin in the body. Skin appears more dense, firm and youthful.
This process provides an alternative to invasive cosmetic surgeries and other cosmetic procedures.
Cellulite Reduction
Many factors contribute to cellulite, which often presents as an irregularity of skin colour, or as a dimpled surface of orange-peel or cottage cheese texture.
Our treatment breaks down fat stored in the different layers of skin, encouraging its drainage. We stimulate new collagen cells in order to firm and strengthen tissues, thus minimizing the appearance of cellulite and making it more resistant to its development.
Ultrasound Cavitation
(Fat Reduction)
Ultrasound Cavitation is an innovative and painless fat-reduction and body-sculpting technology that uses low frequency ultrasonic waves that penetrate the skin to cause fat cells to liquefy, releasing their contents for the body to eliminate naturally through the urinary and lymphatic systems.
Rates do not include HST. Tax will be added at checkout.
(Including Mama Makeover, 360 Snatch, Bikini Bod, and Booty Lift)
90 Minutes
Cancellation Policy
Your appointment time is reserved just for you. A last-minute cancellation or missed visit leaves a hole in the therapist’s day that could have been filled by another client. As such, we require 24 hours’ notice for any cancellations or changes to your appointment. You are welcome to send another person to take your place if you cannot come in. If you do not provide more than 24 hours’ notice, or you miss your appointment, you will be charged 100% of the treatment fee. Our therapists deserve secured income, and we thank you in advance for respecting their time.